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Something Customize or a better word for furniture

We is an eclectic fusion of global contemporary design and heritage art where the past and present resounds gracefully to make a singular narrative on design in interiors and furnishings

We offer an extensive palette of design sensibilities, ranging from the charming elegance of timeless craftsmanship to the cutting edge, contemporary, the ethos of the truly chic, and in vogue.

By understanding in depth our client’s individual needs, we ensure that their tastes and sensibilities are incorporated into every stage of our furniture design development.

Our unique design methodology conceptualizes the entire design scheme, detailing it to the last piece of furniture, furnishing and accessory. We consistently innovate our technology and processes to ensure cost-efficient delivery.

Each of our products is unique in their craftsmanship and stands apart. We welcome you to this lap of creative luxury and look forward to transforming your lives through our carefully designed bouquet of products and services.



Thinkers - Designers - Architects


Come up with original ideas to collaborate multidisciplinary designs with contemporary styles.


Holds extensive knowledge in the field of Communication, Object & Architecture designs


Able to implement designs with core knowledge of aesthetics.



Kanso is a concept from Japanese Zen Philosophy that lays emphasis on Simplicity. In terms of interior designing and aesthetics, it focuses on a clutter-free, functional and neat visuals.


Shizen is about all things Natural and sustainability. Bringing out unforced creative intent.


It indulges in appreciating beauty that is “Imperfect, Impermanent, and Incomplete” in nature.